Sunday, December 7, 2008

November's Campout to the Lost Dutchman Park

For our November campout we went to our stake campery, we all had a lot of fun. We went to the Lost Dutchman Park. At the end of the camp out, our stake got together and played a series of competitive games. We all had a great time. Here are some pictures from the campout.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pioneering Merit Badge

These next couple of months we are going to be working on the Pioneering Merit Badge. So far we have been working on tying some knots. Here are a few pictures of us working on those knots.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

For our combined young men activity we had a pine wood dirby. We all had a great time. Dallas Wood won the dirby.

September's Campout To Tonto National Bridge

In October, we went to Tonto National Bridge
for our monthly camp out. It was a lot of fun!

This is at the bridge.

Our campsite.

Brother Hollingshead supervises us while we cook.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Genealogy Stories

For September and October our theme was Genealogy. Last week we shared stories about our families. Here is our troop sharing our genealogy stories.

Clark gives a life sketch.



Vance told about his great-great grandpa who was
at Haystack Butte where Johnston's scouts counted
Mormon Soldiers all day (by telescope). They would
change horses, hats and clothing. Riding single file,
double file or in groups and go around the southeast
face of Haystack again. They did this all day while
being counted by Johnston's Army.

Brother Hollingshead talked about his ancestor
who built a lumber mill so people around the
area could build houses. He also assisted in
building a temple from this lumber mill.


Brother Cook

Rider told about an ancestors journal entry.